Raz Xaidan partnered with the Lotus Flower charity to produce an educational print which highlights the importance of literacy in every woman’s life.
By purchasing the ‘RISE’ print, you will be enabling an ISIS survivor in Kurdistan, northern Iraq, to learn how to read and write – often for the very first time in her life. Most of the women who take the Lotus Flower’s course came from tiny villages where traditional customs and a lack of resources prevented them from attending school. With these women now responsible for earning a living for their family, it is fundamentally important that they have the chance to learn to read and write so they can embark on a career.
The course is for both beginner and intermediate-level students, and all stationery, textbooks and refreshments are provided. The course operates in all three of the Lotus Flower’s centres, which serve a diverse community of refugee and IDP women and girls. As well as teaching women how to write the alphabet, numbers, and simple sentences, the three-month course also provides a safe and supportive environment for learning, in which the participants can bond and heal together.
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